Reshaping the ground’s surface to planned grades, following the engineering survey evaluation and layout provides more suitable topography for construction, controls surface runoff and minimizes soil erosion and sedimentation both during and after construction.
and sand are added, moved or removed in preparation of the construction
site. Adjustments to the topography, whether minor or major, are a critical
part of the construction process.
Storm Drainage
Where runoff from construction sites enters drain inlets, drop inlets,
and curb inlets, Austin Construction installs inlet protection devices
- like temporary sediment trapping barriers - to reduce sediment from
entering storm drains.
Detention Facilities
To control storm water runoff, provide temporary storage, and control
storm water release to downstream areas, artificial flow control structures
contain flood water for a limited period of a time. Austin Construction
constructs above ground detention basins - short-term storm water storage
facilities - like wet ponds.
Lot Preparation
To prepare lots for construction, Austin Construction clears lots, installs
construction driveways and underground utilities.